One Hour TO


Giving people the opportunity of powerful advice,
so they can live their life to the fullest

One Hour to talk

Effective - Easy - Trustworthy



Our talks are genuine and sincere. We act only in the best interest of you.



Our talks are inspiring. We see you in your greatness and your unique power to grow.



Our talks are committed to a  higher purpose. Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.

One hour to talk

On a personal note from the founders

What are we missing these days? Actually, nothing at all. Society has never been so well off, and yet every year the curve of our contentment continues to go down. We run to the gym, try to eat well and make ourselves look good. But let me ask you this question: What are we doing for our mental well-being? We are connected to everyone everywhere via social media and yet the average American has 0.8 people to talk to freely about their lives, desires, goals, fears and conflicts. This compares to a 3.1 ratio in 2001. We often sat on public transportation and watched people stare at their smartphones or look blankly out the windows. Onehourtotalk is supposed to be here for you when it matters the most. Everyone knows how it feels when we talk to someone about the things lying on our chest. We feel lighter, more liberated and finally understood.

A good talk shouldn’t become a scarcity. Good conversations with the right people  shouldn’t become priceless. A good conversation can shift the direction of change forever. That’s what onehourtotalk stands for. And we always want to give you the opportunity of powerful advice, so you can live your life to the fullest!

One hour to talk

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Du fühlst sofort:

  • Freigesetzte Energie

  • Spürbare Erleichterung 

  • Neue Ordnung in deinen Gedanken

Das sagen unsere Kunden