Fostering remarkable 
Energizing organizations Propelling unprecedented

One Hour TO

Fostering remarkable leadership Energizing organizations Propelling unprecedented success

Co-Founder Dr. Christian Uhl

Sport Psychologist of Olympic Champions & Psychologist of Champion Leaders
Sport Psychologist of Olympic Champions & Psychologist
of Champion Leaders

Ph.D. in Psychology (Natural Science)

Master Degree in Clinical & Health Psychology

Master Degree in Exercise Physiology/Kinesiology

Licensed Sport Psychologist (2yrs. post graduate degree)

Licensed Organizational Psychologist (2yrs. post graduate degree)

Licensed Professional Counselor (5yrs. post graduate degree)

Licensed Sandplay Therapist (1yr post graduate degree)

Most rewarded Sport Psychologist in Austria with more than 20 Olympic Gold medals and World Championship Titles

Business Coach & Sparring Partner of C- Level Executives and institutional leaders for 25 years

Passionate Expert for Leadership, Corporate Culture, Organizational Change, Mental Health and aligning the mindset of high impact teams for a healthy performance culture

Co-Founder Hannah Joester, MSc.

Passionate Business Woman with enthusiasm for your success
Passionate Business Woman with enthusiasm
for your success

Bachelor in Psychology (University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands)

Master degree in Sports Psychology and Organizational Psychology (Business School Berlin)

Licensed Sexual Therapist (Sexocorporel)

Licensed Relationship Coach (EA)

Licensed in Positive Psychology and Health Psychology

Honors: summa cum laude

Leading Sports Psychologist for 2 professional Europe First League Soccer Clubs (Switzerland, Austria)

Expert level Business Coaching and Leadership Coaching

Highly experienced in Morphological Psychology

"Generating a healthy high-performance culture that fosters a winning mindset so
employees can thrive and give their best every day!"

Dr. Christian Uhl & Hannah Joester MSc., Co-Founders

Dr. Christian Uhl & Hannah Joester MSc., Co-Founders

One Hour to talk

What We Offer you

remarkable leaders

Executive Leadership Coaching
and Training

We help your executives and emerging leaders accelerate development, close critical gaps, and achieve breakthrough success.

Form highly productive employees

Employee Coaching Programs for Winning Mindsets

We help you protect your outstanding employer brand by providing your employees with highly effective tools to both increase productivity and optimize life satisfaction.

Get the culture
you deserve

Organizational Culture Analysis & Healthy High-Performance Roadmap

We help you achieve a healthy performing company. An in-depth assessment of your culture produces a ”company mirror” of current performance followed by a customized set of recommendations.

One Hour to talk

What We Offer you

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remarkable leaders

Executive Leadership Coaching
and Training

We help your executives and emerging leaders accelerate development, close critical gaps, and achieve breakthrough success.

Form highly productive employees

Employee Coaching Programs for Winning Mindsets

We help you protect your outstanding employer brand by providing your employees with highly effective tools to both increase productivity and optimize life satisfaction.

Get the culture
you deserve

Organizational Culture Analysis & Healthy High-Performance Roadmap

We help you achieve a healthy performing company. An in-depth assessment of your culture produces a ”company mirror” of current performance followed by a customized set of recommendations.

One Hour to talk

The Power of One Hour to Talk

Fostering remarkable leadership

"BASF is one of the world's leading chemical companies. One of their sites complained about huge attrition and turnover of employees, besides a very performance-inhibiting team culture. After working with the Management team, all participants reported a significant improvement of their capabilities as leaders. The following issues were eliminated: Closing skill gaps, Getting the Know-how and “Do”-how for leading in times of high growth and rapid change, Improved cross functional collaboration, Improved feedback culture, Drastic reduction in sick days and employee turnover, Internal employee survey showed improvement of 70% in the perceived working atmosphere."

Source: Christoph Rieser, (CEO Business Unit)


"After starting the program and and offering our leadership team and employees Onehourtotalk Coaching packages, the energy in our company has enormously shifted to a spirit wherein everyone gives their all. People feel happier, more productive and have the capacity to support each other. The market in which our business operates is so challenging and we always have to make sure that we remain number one and perform at the highest level possible. This comes at a cost, because our people are easily at risk of running out of energy, losing focus, and being overworked. That’s why we would always recommend Onehourtotalk.“

Source: Philipp Radel (CEO) / Christian Egele (CPO)

Propelling unprecedented success

“In a decade, our team has made sports history and has been unbeatable over the entire period, winning countless gold medals at the Olympic Games and World Championship titles as a team. Christian has played a major role in this as our lead psychologist.”

Source: Toni Innauer (Athletic Director, Former Olympic Champion) Ski Austria

One Hour to talk

The impact you can expect

One Hour to talk

What We Offer you

One Hour to talk.. a unique leadership training company that offers a combination of superior coaching, webinars, and counseling services to company designated leadership, critical teams, and high impact employees.

..can serve a broad spectrum of organizational needs with a team of Experts educated in specialties in Psychology, Professional Counseling, Leadership, Mental Health, Executive Coaching, Nutrition, and Psychotherapy.

One Hour to talk.. members consist of Americans and Europeans resulting in our customers benefiting from our familiarity with international segments.

..offers a unique perspective and exchange of knowledge across continents. Our clients gain advantages not found anywhere else.

One Hour to talk..

..Experts have undergone rigorous certification processes, are advanced professionals in their fields, and offer relevant work and life experiences.

..conducts periodic training to continually advance Expert’s techniques which are additive to their respective licensure requirements (Case Studies, Continuing Education, and other tools).

One hour to talk

Our purpose

“Giving people the opportunity of powerful
advice to unleash their potential and advanced
company performance."

One Hour to talk

What We stand for

“Expanding people's capacity for self-reflection, coping with stress, mental clarity and agility are essential elements to make an institution successful and lead it to the top.”

One Hour to talk

How we make a difference

We align our work with your company goals around generating revenues and profits.

We are your HUMAN capital to help your organization solve business issues through people.

We start each program with a “white sheet of paper.”

We listen carefully and design a customized, planful approach that will achieve the greatest impact. Each concept is unique and tailored to your needs.

We partner closely with you along the journey to ensure outstanding results.

Our team is intentionally made up of diverse backgrounds and expertise to serve a variety of human capital needs.

One Hour to talk


In a free and non-binding discovery call, personally with our Co-Founders, we explore what motivates your employees and you. Afterward, we create a highly individualized concept tailored to the needs and goals of your company. We support and guide you throughout the entire process. Our goal is to develop the best solutions for your individual requirements together with you and accompany you on the path to success.

Simply book your hour in our online shop or send us a straight forward WhatsApp message at +1 361 425 3075. Your Onehourtotalk expert will get back to you as soon as possible to schedule a session based on your time preferences.

As all our experts are highly trained and certified, we take the burden of this decision off your shoulders. However, individual changes are possible after consultation!

Your personally assigned Onehourtotalk (OHTT) expert will contact you via phone, WhatsApp, or email to arrange an initial session. Before the first meeting, you can contemplate whether there is a personal or professional topic that occupies your thoughts or hinders your potential. Or if there is an area of life in which you want to improve, learn more about or get a turbo boost for your personal success story.

The first OHTT conversation typically lasts a full 60 minutes. In this hour, your OHTT expert will ask you many questions to get to know you better and to determine how to structure the joint process for optimal support. We place great emphasis on enabling a thorough analysis and effective exchange, as this lays the foundation for true success and accelerated progress. Subsequent sessions can be divided flexibly according to your preferences, for example, lasting 30 minutes each.

Confidentiality is our top priority! All our conversations are 100% confidential, and our OHTT experts are bound by the confidentiality requirements of the Psychologists Act.

Our experts are exceptionally trained to understand you within your overall context, irrespective of your background or profession. They accompany you in your development to the next level. All they need from you is an openness to the process and curiosity about engaging in a great and interesting conversation or conversations.

The main points of contact for the entire process are typically our Co-Founders and Managing Partners (Dr. Christian Uhl and/or Hannah Jöster, MSc.). They are available via email @ and by phone at +1 361 425 3076 to ensure that you receive the best possible support.

Dr. Christian Uhl


Hannah Joester, MSc.


Alfred Hilpold, MA


Du hast eine wichtige Lebensentscheidung zu treffen?

- Umzug
- Berufsentwicklung
- größere Investition
- das nervige “entweder-oder” Spiel

Du hast einen Konflikt im Privat - oder Berufsleben, der dich belastet und den du lösen willst?

- Eine erfolgreiche Beziehung führen
- Familiendynamik
- Arbeitskollegen
- Freunde

Du hast Gedanken, Befürchtungen und Sorgen, die dich beschäftigen?

- Befreiung von belastenden Dingen
- Unzufriedenheit
- Einsamkeit
- Grübeln & Unsicherheit
- Burnout

Du willst deine Gesundheit und dein Wohlbefinden verbessern?

- Stress
- Krankheit
- Motivation
- Sexualität
- Sport & Leistung
- Schlaf

Du willst deine Karriere vorantreiben?

- Entscheidung
- Potenzial
- Tagesstruktur
- Selbstorganisation
- Weiterentwicklung
- Work-Life Integration

Du willst deinem Leben eine neue Richtung geben?

- Lebenssinn
- Achtsamkeit
- mehr Zeit für dich selbst
- Gelassenheit
- Glück